As a non-profit, locally owned cooperative, Tallahatchie Valley works to keep your rates and other fees associated with electric service as low as possible.  Tallahatchie Valley’s service fees are based on our costs and are charged so that members not requiring these special services will not have to share in the expenses.

  • Membership Fee – $20 – Each individual or business that requests electric service must become a member of the cooperative. Upon termination of service, the membership fee is applied to the final bill or refunded.
  • Service Charge – $30 – Each time a meter is turned on, Tallahatchie Valley’s service personnel must go to that site. This charge helps to cover that expense.
  • Residential Deposit – Residential accounts may be required to pay a deposit, which earns interest and is refunded upon termination of the service. Determined by credit check.
  • Commercial Account Deposit – Commercial account deposits are set by Tallahatchie Valley on an individual basis based on probable use.
  • Transformer Set Fee – $30 – When Tallahatchie Valley is required to set a transformer for a temporary service.
  • Extension Fee – $10 – Qualifying members may receive an extension upon request.
  • Collection Fee – $30 – This fee is required when Tallahatchie Valley EPA collects a past due bill.
  • Reconnection Fee – $30 – This fee is required when a member’s service is disconnected for non-payment and reconnection is made during regular office hours.
  • After-Hours Reconnection Fee – $60 – This fee is required when a member’s service is disconnected for non-payment and reconnection is made after regular office hours.
  • Returned Check Fee – $30 – This fee is required for any check that is returned.
  • Meter Tampering Fee – $100 – This is the first-time charge that will be paid by any member whose meter indicates signs of tampering. If there are subsequent instances the fees are higher.
  • Meter Test Fee – $30 – This charge is incurred when Tallahatchie Valley personnel are asked to test a meter that is found to be working properly.